Sooeazi Super App Management Portal

UI / Frontend / Backend


a Management Portal for the Sooeazi SuperApp, along with an intuitive admin portal to oversee app management. The backend system encompasses essential modules such as banner management, voucher integration, pop-up visuals, user settings, user access control (UAC)

Tools & Technologies

HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Jquery, CodeIgniter 4, Bootstrap 4, OneSignal

Key Contribution

- Led the development of the backend API and admin portal, ensuring adherence to project timelines and client specifications.

- Designed a scalable and efficient database schema, laying the groundwork for seamless data management and retrieval.

- Architected RESTful APIs tailored for optimal performance and compatibility with mobile app requirements, facilitating smooth communication between the app and backend systems.

- Implemented merchant APIs, enabling third-party merchants to register and integrate their services with the SuperApp ecosystem, fostering business growth and expansion opportunities.

- Integrated OneSignal API to enable push notifications to the mobile app, enhancing user engagement and facilitating timely communication with app users.

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© 2024. Developed by Luqman